Earth Day Kimchi

Yield: 1 head cabbbage
Shelf Life: 2 months
1 Head napa cabbage, cut into approx. 2” pieces
17 g Green onion
170 g Daikon, thinly sliced in half moons
85 g Carrots, thinly sliced in half moons
3 g Kochu karu chili powder
10 g Sugar (or replace with 1 sliced apple or 1 sliced pear per every 10 gr sugar)
2 oz fl. Kosher salt for cabbage, plus 1 tsp to season aromatics
25 g Ginger, minced
50 g Garlic cloves, minced
- Chop cabbage into roughly 2 inch pieces and vigorously rinse in the cold water. Let sit 5 minutes to allow any dirt/debris to settle. Remove cabbage from water and allow to drain for 10 minutes in slotted pan over sink.
- Place chopped cabbage into a large bowl or storage container and vigorously incorporate all of the 2 oz-fl of salt. Let sit for 1 hour to pull moisture and season cabbage.
- Julienne green onion and place in a mixing bowl. Season with chili, sugar (or apple or pear), 1 tsp salt, ginger, and garlic.
- In a large bowl combine all ingredients thoroughly, including moisture from salted cabbage. Make sure chili paste in fully incorporated. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
- Press down entire mixture to ensure there are very few air pockets and to make sure that the kimchi mixture will be fully covered with brine when weighted down. If more brine is needed use a ratio of 1 tsp salt to 1 quart tap water and add to kimchi until fully submerged when pressed.
- Place a double layer of plastic wrap directly on top of the kimchi with a plate or press that will cover the surface and keep the kimchi submerged in brine. (more liquid will be pulled out over fermentation time).
- Label and date with prep date and approx. finish date (start with 3 days from prep date).
- Store in a cool, dark place at no warmer than 72 F for a minimum of 3 days.
- Ferment until desired sourness is achieved and store in refrigerator.
- When using pH meter our desired flavor pH is 3.9 - 4.2. pH must be below 4.6 to be safely fermented.